Company Profile

For decades Indian Wound Component Manufacturers have depended on imported machines for their requirement of coil and Toroidal Winding Machines. These machines have always been kept beyond the reach of smaller manufacturing units, the reason being high initial and maintenance costs and lengthy importing procedures. To combat such situations in various engineering fields, we are involved in continuous Research, Development and Manufacturing from 1981 to provide innovative, cost effective and reliable solutions and substitutes for such imported machines. The continuous efforts have contributed to strengthen manufacturing facilities of numerous medium, small, and tiny sector industries in India.

About Us

Electromech is a leading Winding Machine Manufacturer & Supplier in INDIA & exporter in Worldwide. The requirements of the customers are always taken into consideration and the best is provided to make the machines economical without having any compromise with the quality. Electromech has a well established R&D department which is constantly involved in development of existing machines as well as new innovative machines. Team Electromech is also into design and development of various kinds of special purpose machines to match the requirement of our customers.

Electromech has completed over 5500 winding machine installations around the globe. The founder and the Managing Director of Electromech, Mr.C.Raghunath, has more than 30 years of experience in the field of winding machine designing and is also responsible for manufacturing unit.


Electromech has constanly involved in design and development of various machines. We have also been constantly participating in various exhibitons and have recieved appreciations and awards from various conserns. We have been the Winner of "Best Product Award" for Toroidal Winding Machine in Elecrama 2002. An article regarding the same was also published in THE HINDU, Thursday, February 28, 2002 - SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. Another article regarding the performance of our machines was also published in IEEMA JOURNAL - March 2002.

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